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Visionary Designs 10' x 20' -- Image 1 Visionary Designs 10' x 20' -- Image 2 Visionary Designs 10' x 20' -- Image 3

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

RENTAL Exhibit: Visionary Designs 10' x 20' Trade Show Exhibit with Modular Pedestals (LTK-1001)
Comment: Even with all the pedestals, this is still an economical exhibit to ship.
Euro LT Laminate Column (4) LTK-1001 Pedestals

Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands

Euro LT Laminate Column and (4) LTK-1001 Pedestals for an Island Tradeshow Exhibit
Showroom Displays Showroom Display -- Eco-systems 10' x 20' Showroom Display Showroom Display -- Perfect 10

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

Hybrid Trade Show Displays -- Visionary Designs (VK-1001 with LTK-1001 Counter), Magellan (VK-1038 with MOD-1198 Counter, Eco-Systems Sustainable (10 x 20), Euro LT Custom Modular Bar, Floating Graphics Display, and Perfect 10 (VK-1504 with VK-1601 Counter).
Modlfied Visionary Designs VK-1001 Counter with Wire Management -- Image 1 Modlfied Visionary Designs VK-1001 Counter with Wire Management -- Image 2

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

Modlfied Visionary Designs LTK-1001 Counters with Wire Management
Comment: Note the grommet and holes for wire managment.
Visionary Designs 10' x 10' with LTK-1001 Counter -- Image 1 Visionary Designs 10' x 10' with LTK-1001 Counter -- Image 2 Visionary Designs 10' x 10' with LTK-1001 Counter -- Image 3

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

Visionary Designs (Modified VK-1045) 10' x 10' with LTK-1001 Counter
Comment: Nearly all Classic counters include a middle shelf and lock.
MOD-1184 Counter/Pedestal -- Image 1 MOD-1184 Counter/Pedestal -- Image 2

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

MOD-1184 Counter/Pedestal
Comment: MOD-1184 is our second most popular counter after the LTK-1001
LTK-1001 Counters with Graphics -- Image 1 LTK-1001 Counters with Graphics -- Image 2 LTK-1001 Counters with Graphics -- Image 3 LTK-1001 Counters with Graphics -- Image 4

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

LTK-1001 Counters with Graphics
Comment: The additional photos show the standard packaging and setup instructions for this counter.
Visionary Designs VK-1001 with LTK-1001 Counter/Pedestal -- Image 1 Visionary Designs VK-1001 with LTK-1001 Counter/Pedestal -- Image 2

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

Visionary Designs VK-1001 with LTK-1001 Counter/Pedestal
Comment: One of the advantages of this kit, as with most Visionary Designs kits, is that it can be built either as a portable unit shipping in roto-molded cases or as a custom exhibit shipping in one jigged wood crate.
Modular Counter and Pedestal -- Image 1 Modular Counter and Pedestal -- Image 2

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

Modular Counter (Modified LTK-1011) and LTK-1001 Pedestal
Comment: Often the simplest solution is the most elegant.
Two Custom LTK-1001 Pedestals -- Image 1 Two Custom LTK-1001 Pedestals -- Image 2

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

Two Custom LTK-1001 Pedestals
Comment: LED light tape around full perimeter of the counter edge, with 4 more strips of down-facing LED tape installed underneath the over-hang to accentuate the brushed silver lam on the logo (as well as the dimensionality). A total of 10' of light tape used.
Quadro S Pop Up Gullwing 10' x 20' Display (8) LTK-1001 Pedestals

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

Quadro S Pop Up Gullwing 10' x 20' Display and (8) LTK-1001 Pedestals
Comment: What you don't see are the other (12) LTK-1001 pedestals still to be assembled.
Visionary Designs Pedestals Visionary Designs Pedestals -- LTK-1001

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

Visionary Designs Pedestals
Comment: If lyou ook closely at the LTK-1001 (tapered pedestal), you can see how the top shelf is notched to allow for the door to swing open and retain a flush fit.
10' x 20' Visionary Designs with LTK-1001, MOD-1200 (modified), and Custom Reception Counters -- Image 1 10' x 20' Visionary Designs with LTK-1001, MOD-1200 (modified), and Custom Reception Counters -- Image 2 10' x 20' Visionary Designs with LTK-1001, MOD-1200 (modified), and Custom Reception Counters -- Image 3 10' x 20' Visionary Designs with LTK-1001, MOD-1200 (modified), and Custom Reception Counters -- Image 4

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

10' x 20' Visionary Designs with LTK-1001, MOD-1200 (modified), and Custom Reception Counters
Comment: All the counters have an internal shelf, which is standard in most Classic counters and pedestals.
Counters and Pedestals (Part 2) Counters and Pedestals (Part 2) Counters and Pedestals (Part 2)

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

Counters and Pedestals: LTK-1134, Custom Two-Tier Counter, LTK-1003, and LTK-1001
Visionary Designs 10' x 10' Hybrid Kits Visionary Designs 10' x 10' Hybrid Kits

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

Visionary Designs 10' x 10' Hybrid Kits. See the LTK-1001 and MOD-1119 Counters.
10' x 20' Visionary Designs Hybrid Exhibit with LTK-1001 and MOD-1237 Counters 10' x 20' Visionary Designs Hybrid Exhibit with LTK-1001 and MOD-1237 Counters

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

10' x 20' Visionary Designs Hybrid Exhibit with LTK-1001 and MOD-1237 Counters
10' x 20' Visionary Designs Modified VK-2074 with LTK-1109 and LTK-1001 Counters 10' x 20' Visionary Designs Modified VK-2074 with LTK-1109 and LTK-1001 Counters

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

10' x 20' Visionary Designs Modified VK-2074 with LTK-1109 and LTK-1001 Counters
Custom Tapered Pedestal with Raised Plex Countertop (LTK-1001 base) Aero Overhead Hanging Sign -- 2D Shapes (Custom Sail Shape)

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

Custom Tapered Pedestal with Raised Plex Countertop (LTK-1001 base) and Aero Overhead Hanging Sign -- 2D Shapes (Custom Sail Shape)
Custom LTK-1001 Oval Pedestal with Lightbox Front Pedestal also has an Internal Shelf and Door

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

Custom LTK-1001 Oval Pedestal with Lightbox Front. Pedestal also has an Internal Shelf and Door
(3) LTK-1001 Tapered Pedestals, two Regular and One Custom All Three Counters with Locking Doors and Internal Shelves

Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars

(3) LTK-1001 Tapered Pedestals, two Regular and One Custom. All Three Counters with Locking Doors and Internal Shelves
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